Source-to-destination auto matching
Technical fit-gap analysis
Pick-and-choose selection of metadata
Batch transfer of chosen metadata
Metadata transformation
Past investments into customizing applications to business needs are preserved by automatically transferring them, even between applications from different vendors.
Customizations are adjusted to new destination design by selecting only relevant customization elements from the past and transformations during the transfer.
An automated transfer of field names, large picklists, and more prevents typos and other human error in the manual customization of destination applications.
conemis Metadata Migration makes it easier than ever to transfer existing customizations to new applications. It can also fill in gaps when a new application does not cover all standard functionality that an old one had. Metadata Migration firstly highlights the differences from source to target with an auto matching. It is then possible to select what elements to bring over. Metadata Migration can transfer custom objects, fields, picklists, etc. to custom but also map it to standard. Plus, it can transfer standard to custom, which can particularly be interesting when moving from one vendor to another. conemis Metadata Migration is intergrated and collaborates with other modules in conemis transition cloud. Several users can work simultaneously, trace all metadata migration progress, and collaborate in the cloud.
One-click scan for different applications and simple scoping for projects thanks to immediate insight into data structure and customizations.
End-to-end automated process for extraction, conversion, and loading of data from source to target.
Guidance in project and program management with real-time planning and progress tracking.
conemis supports the following software systems with out-of-the-box connectors. Depending on the enterprise software application this may use REST or SOAP APIs, file based loading, database access, XML or JSON formats. But users of the conemis software get this pre-built and do not have to worry about it. conemis proactively maintains these connectors for new releases in the respective software applications.
If you do not find your application listed and have interest in adding a connector, please let us know. Our development framework is agile and we can most certainly accommodate with little effort.
Sales Cloud
CPQ Cloud
CRM on Demand
Engagement Cloud
Sales Performance Management CRM Sales Cloud
Dynamics 365 CRM
Dynamics 365 for Sales
Siebel Service
Service Cloud RightNow
Engagement Cloud CRM Service Cloud
Dynamics 365 CRM for Customer Service
Marketing Cloud Eloqua
Salesforce Marketing Cloud
eBusinessSuite (Order Mgmt., AR)
Financials Cloud
Procurement Cloud
Dynamics 365 for Financials
ECC 6.0
SQL Server